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Kurz: Trauma and yoga course
Termín: 15. 10. - 10. 12. 2024 (8 lekcí, vyjma 29. 10.)
Čas: úterý 17:15 - 18:30
Místo: Jógamatka, Gorkého 44
Lektor: Janaki
Cena: 1 760 

Možnost zaplatit si první lekci (220,-) a pak se rozhodnout, jestli budete pokračovat.

Náhrady za absence na jiných lekcích přes rozvrh na Sportimea.

Přihlášky na kurzy přes rezervační systém zde.

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Trauma is in essence a disconnect from parts or all of the self, and healing trauma means restoring that connection. Yoga is wonderful tool in such a healing journey: yoga, the word meaning union, is a practice that puts us into holistic contact with all layers of our being, from body to breath to emotions to mind and psyche, all the way into our spirit - the very essence of who we are, and connects us to become whole and integrated beings.

When we experience trauma on any level, emotional, relational, developmental or shock, we learn to distrust our instincts and our physiology, and being in our bodies can therefor feel chaotic and overwhelming.

In these classes you will learn practices specifically to regulate the nervous system, with focus on the vagus nerve, practices for grounding, stability and orientation, as well classical yoga practices and breathing techniques, all done in a way that is safe, contained, attuned, connected, and follows you own pace.

I am looking forward to having you with me!

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